The Geometry of the Bosonic String
Carlo Angelantonj - Università di Torino
The course will focus on the geometric formulation of the bosonic string |
The plan of the course is (time permitting):
Introduction. The Nambu-Goto and Polyakov actions for the bosonic string
Light-cone quantisation.
Path-integral quantisation, The Liouville action and the critical dimension.
Strings in background fields.
Global properties of the string world-sheet
The string S matrix.
Some bacis string interactions: the Veneziano amplitude.
Tachyon-gluon interactions. The low-energy Lagrangian and α' corrections.
A quick look at the superstring: light-cone quantisation and the GSO projection.
M.B. Green, J.H. Schwarz and E. Witten, Superstring Theory vol I, Cambridge University Press
J. Polchinski, String Theory vol I, Cambridge University Press