Introduction to Rigid Supersymmetry
Gianluca Grignani - Università di Perugia
Luca Griguolo - Università di Parma
The course will focus on the superspace formulation of rigid supersymmetry |
The plan of the course is (time permitting):
Part I - The formalism and the supersymmetric Lagrangians
Why supersymmetry. The supersymmetry algebra
Representation of the supersymmetry algebra
Supersymmetric actions, the Wess Zumino model. Superspace and superfields.
Chiral superfields, the Wess Zumino and non linear sigma models. Non-renormalization theorems.
Vector superfields and gauge invariant supersymmetric actions.
Part II - Quantum N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories
Non-renormalization theorems for supersymmetric gauge theories.
Exact results for supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.
The classical vacuum structure of supersymmetric QCD.
Quantum superQCD for N_F<N_c: ADS superpotential and vacuum structure.
Quantum superQCD for N_F>N_c: superconformal invariance and Seiberg duality.
J. Wess and J. Bugger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton University Press
J. Ternig, Modern Supersymmetry, Oxford University Press
K. Intriligator and N. Seiberg, Lectures on supersymmetric gauge theories and electric - magnetic duality, arXiv:hep-th/9509066
D. Seminara, Lecture notes LACES 2008