Rodolfo Russo - Queen Mary University, London
The course provides a first introduction to string theory and
the basic concepts and techniques in 2d CFTs.
The plan is as follows:
Classical strings.
Naive quantisation.
Basics of 2d CFTs.
Covariant quantisation and the bc CFT.
BRST quantisation and the free spectrum.
The Veneziano amplitude.
Other tree-level amplitudes.
High and low energy regimes.
D-branes (I).
The R and NS models.
Superstrings and the GSO projection.
D-branes (II).
Toroidal compactification and orbifolds.
spending roughly 1h on each topic. Thus the lectures will not be
exhaustive, but hopefully will make it easier to read the references and
will allow the interested students to work out the details independently.
Green, Schwarz and Witten: "Superstring Theory" vol 1,2
Polchinski: "String Theory" vol 1,2
Blumenhagen, Lust and Theisen: "Basic Concepts of String Theory"
A. Liccardo and P. Di Vecchia, "D-branes in String Theory, I", hep-th/9912161
A. Liccardo and P. Di Vecchia, "D-branes in String Theory, II", hep-th/9912257