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Black-Holes and Semi-Classical Quantum Gravity

Davide Cassani - INFN Padova

    1. Black hole thermodynamics. Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.
    2. QFT in curved space. Hawking radiation.
    3. Euclidean Quantum Gravity. Saddles of the gravitational path integral.
    4. Black holes in AdS. Hawking-Page phase transition (and its CFT dual).
    5. Beyond the classical entropy: Wald’s formula.
    6. Extremal black holes. Sen’s entropy function and the attractor mechanism.
    7. Black hole microstate counting.
General Relativity, including basic notions of differential geometry and black holes; Quantum Field Theory, including the path integral formulation; the microcanonical, canonical and grand-canonical ensembles in Statistical Mechanics.
  Lecture notes